Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 361 - Lisa

We did it!  Today is our last posting to complete 361 days of pictures.  I wasn't sure we'd actually make it to the end.  If you viewed any of our blog I hope we some times made you laugh or see things a bit differently.  We had a lot of fun and a lot of frustration.  Much harder challenge than I envisioned it to be.  I'm however grateful we took it on because I'm not sure our vacations would have been the same had we not.  I cannot speak for my mom but for me it caused me to slow down while traveling.  I took more time to enjoy what I was seeing; to look for the peculiar, to find an interesting view, be more curious and find the shades and colors that captured where I was and how it felt.  Thanks for doing this with me in 2010 Mom.  Can't wait to get out and capture 2011 through the lens!

So how did I spend my last day of this digital challenge?  Some place beautiful?  Exotic?  Enticing?  No, I spent it fretting over the damages of a "check engine" light.  ;>  Most days were just normal, every day occurences.  And that was kind of cool too!

If you want to follow us in 2011 - bookmark this link:

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